Mi-tec Online Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Mi-tec Online

Mi-tec Media Pty Ltd is subject to the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Commonwealth).

Our Privacy Policy explains generally how Mi-tec intends to protect the privacy of your personal and business information. It applies to all personal and commercial information that you may provide to Mi-tec when purchasing, when visiting our website, when making a query, when corresponding with Mi-tec, or when doing business with us in any way.

This Privacy Policy also applies to any information about you that is provided to us by any third party.

Information gathered
The information that Mi-tec collects from you or your business depends on the nature of your request. For example, if you or a colleague or nominated employee acting on your behalf registers as a client of Mi-tec Online or orders patient education pamphlets, anatomical models or books, Mi-tec may collect or request important details necessary to complete the order, such as your name, the company’s or hospital’s name, billing address, delivery address, telephone number, facsimile number, mobile telephone number, email address, credit card number, credit card expiry date, card verification value (CVV), purchase order number, and other information that may be necessary to completing and paying for your order. Mi-tec regards all of this information to be “private and sensitive information”. If you have any particular concerns about how this information may be securely used, stored of disposed of, please tell us.

Information collection
We may collect and retain information when you contact us by telephone, facsimile, post or email, or visit our website. As well as collecting information directly from you, there may be occasions when we collect information about you from a third party, for example, from people ordering on your behalf or updating your contact details.

Use of information about you
Mi-tec collects information about you, your practice, clinic or hospital to be used as follows:

  • to fulfil your order
  • to bill you or your practice or your institution
  • to reconcile your account
  • to provide us with additional information so that we can contact you or your staff if necessary
  • to send emails of the latest book titles in your field for the online bookshops that we operate on behalf of surgical, medical and dental colleges, societies and associations.

Disclosure to a third party
Your information is private and confidential, and is held within these offices only. Mi-tec does not disclose your personal or business information to any third party for any commercial endeavour under any circumstance.

The only unlikely exception to this would be if Mi-tec were compelled by a law enforcement agency or other related statutory body. In the unlikely event of a long-standing unpaid debt that required the intervention of a debt collection agency, we would notify the debtor that a debt collector had been nominated; to date, such action has never been necessary.

Safe storage of information
Whether in digital or hardcopy format, all information and data are kept securely on our premises or stored on “the cloud” using commercially accepted encryption software that prevents unauthorised access. Our in-house, online and cloud computer systems have anti-virus, anti-malware, intrusion-detection and firewall software that are regularly and automatically updated. When digital or hardcopy records are no longer needed, they are safely and securely destroyed. All disposed hardcopies are shredded onsite by a commercial company.

Access to information
If requested, Mi-tec will provide a person with access to any information we may hold about that person. The company keeps no records pertaining to any personal matters other than basic contact and payment details such as name, address, contact telephone numbers, email, website, and related details, dates and details of orders. Any request will be processed promptly within several days. If Mi-tec does not provide access to such information, we will provide the reasons for refusal and inform the person according to the National Privacy Principles.

Keeping information current
We keep our records as current as possible. If the information we hold about you is inaccurate for any reason, please contact this office and we will update the information promptly.

Resolving matters of concern
If you want access to your personal information, have a complaint, or have a query on how your personal information is collected or used, please forward your request, complaint or query in writing to our postal address (PO Box 24, Camberwell, VIC, 3124, Australia). We will respond promptly.

Changes to this Privacy Policy
It is possible that Mi-tec may alter this Privacy Policy according to requirements of the law.

Our contact details
Postal address: PO Box 24, Camberwell, VIC, 3124, Australia
Email: online@mitec.com.au
Telephone: 61 3 9888 6262
Facsimile: 61 3 9888 6465.

Contact Mi-tec Medical Publishing.


Online security of information and data collected by Mi-tec Online

Protecting all data relating to patients, doctors and healthcare organisations is priority of Mi-tec Media.

Mi-tec Online uses modern technology and software experts to ensure that all personal, commercial and financial data are kept secure and private. 

As unauthorised intrusions into online healthcare data have been a profound concern for many years, Mi-tec Online uses the latest software technology to keep safe all personal and business information that we accumulate in providing patient education and documentation. 

If Mi-tec staff or its consultants were to detect any intrusions into private information, any affected individuals or organisations would be promptly notified. 

Assuring security, privacy and protection of data and communications are a crucial element in Mi-tec’s services and relationship with all patients, doctors and healthcare organisations. 

Mi-tec and its software consultants understand the sensitive nature of the data and have sought to ensure security via a range of technology including:

  1. Defensive programming techniques, allowing additional time for code reviews to ensure this
  2. Encryption: the data of the site has been encrypted in transit and encrypted at rest
  3. Locality: Mi-tec Online is hosted in Australia. 

If you have any concern that security may have been breached, please contact Mi-tec as a matter of urgency.


Terms and Conditions of Mi-tec Online

1. Mi-tec will have to amend patient education guides and medical illustrations from time to time, due to the nature of surgical, medical and dental procedures, advances in treatment and clinical research. 

2. All patient education guides have been reviewed and are up-to-date at the time of publication. 

3. All of the patient education published by Mi-tec Media Pty Ltd (whether online or in hard copy) is owned and copyrighted by Mi-tec Media, which claims all intellectual-property rights to Mi-tec’s online patient education guides and documentation software platform. 

4. In the course of providing services to patients, doctors and healthcare institutions, Mi-tec obtains a limited range of a patient’s health information that relates specifically to educational and informational materials sent to that patient regarding a specific disease, condition, treatment or diagnosis. Mi-tec’s software platform detects whether that patient receives and opens email correspondence, as well as SMS text messages. This is important in making certain that the patient has received the patient education (prior to the surgical or diagnostic procedure) and has been able to open it. The software platform records when a patient education guide(s) is opened and how long that guide(s) is viewed. In the event that a patient has not received or opened the patient education guide(s), the software platform will automatically send a reminder via an additional email or text message (SMS). In the event that a patient or doctor (including a patient’s or doctor’s legally recognised representative or legal advisor) requires information about the usage of the patient education on the Mi-tec software platform, Mi-tec would disclose that information, which is known only to the requesting person. 

5. Mi-tec does not disclose any health information for any purpose other than the purpose of Mi-tec Online and the benefit of patients and their doctors. Patient data and doctor data are never treated as a commodity nor disclosed to any commercial interest for any commercial, marketing or advertising intent.

6. For each patient, Mi-tec Online will archive only that health data that relate specifically to, and are derived from, educational and informational materials sent to that patient. Mi-tec stores no other health information or medical history about a specific patient.

7. Mi-tec is subject to the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Commonwealth). Mi-tec adheres to the principles and concepts of the Guide to Health Privacy, published by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Mi-tec is committed to the principle that private health information must be managed responsibly, confidentially and in an open and transparent way, according to the Australian Privacy Principles (From Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012).

8. Other than information relating to patient education guide that a patient has received online from Mi-tec’s software platform, Mi-tec has no access to any records about a patient’s health information, which may include diagnosis, treatment, recovery, prognosis, medications or any other information about of a patient’s health, condition or medical history. 

9. Mi-tec does encourage Healthcare Consumer and Carer feedback regarding the content of its patient education at feedback@mitec.com.au. All comments and suggestions will be considered by reviewers and may (or may not) be incorporated into the patient education.

10. Infrequently, brand names of pharmaceuticals or devices might be used in a few patient education Guides or pamphlets. Mi-tec policy is to use generic names of pharmaceuticals or devices, but specialist reviewers infrequently recommend the use of brand names for the sake of ease and simplicity of communication. Mi-tec receives no income or any consideration from any company, practice or organisation for the use of any brand name.

11. A patient, doctor or other stakeholder with any queries about consent to the handling of personal information can contact Mi-tec at:

Mi-tec Media Pty Ltd



Phone: +61 3 9888 6262

Fax: +61 3 9888 6465